Metal to Money
Will current Metal to Money customers be automatically converted to the new system?
Current customers will be converted to M2M Cloud in January 2023. Our team will contact you and schedule your conversion when convenient for you. The conversion process should take 12 hours and will be free of charge. This conversion must happen as the legacy Metal To Money system will be retired.
What hardware is compatible with the M2M Cloud System?
Any PC, Apple or Linux computer with a modern browser can run M2M Cloud as it is a "Single Page App" web site. Tablets are also supported. The printing service requires a Windows 10 or above PC.
Do you have any discounts?
Yes. We have a multi-location discounts. The more sites you have, the lower the service fee is for each location.
Can we refer a friend?
Yes. If you refer 5 friends and they sign up, you will receive 1 free year for a single location.